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Master in Museology - New Media and Museum Communication
Social Media Marketing & Digital Communication
Master Executive in Communication, Litigation & Human Resources
Master in Management delle Risorse Artistiche e Culturali 2024-2025
Master Social Media Marketing ed XVII - 2024-2025 ONLINE
Master Social Media Marketing ed XVII - 2024-2025 BLENDED
Master in Management del made in Italy. Consumi e comunicazione della moda, del design e del lusso. a.a. 2024-2025
Management e Comunicazione del Beauty e del Wellness 2024-2025
Master in International tourism and hospitality - MITH21 a.a.2024-25
Master in International Marketing & Sales Communication 2023-2024
Master in Architettura dell'Informazione e User Experience Design 2023-2024
Master in Doppiaggio, Adattamento e Traduzione di Opere Cinetelevisive 2023-2024
Master in Management delle Risorse Artistiche e Culturali 2023-2024
Master Social Media Marketing ed XVI - 2023-2024 ONLINE
Master Social Media Marketing ed XVI - 2023-2024 BLENDED
Management e Comunicazione del Beauty e del Wellness 2023-2024
Master in Management del made in Italy. Consumi e comunicazione della moda, del design e del lusso. a.a. 2023-2024
Master in International tourism and hospitality - MITH20 a.a.2023-24
Master in Doppiaggio, Adattamento e Traduzione di opere cinetelevisive 2022-2023
Master Specialistico in Live Entertainment. Come gestire un evento live
Master MaRAC 2022-2023
Marketing e Sostenibilità dell’Agroalimentare 2022-2023
Master in International Marketing & Sales Communication 2022-2023
Master Social Media Marketing ed XV - 2022-2023 ONLINE
Master Social Media Marketing ed XV - 2022-2023 BLENDED
Master in Management del made in Italy. Consumi e comunicazione della moda, del design e del lusso. a.a. 2022-2023
Management e Comunicazione del Beauty e del Wellness 2022-2023
Master in Retail Brand & Customer Experience Management 2022-2023
Master in International tourism and hospitality - MITH19 a.a.2022-23
Management e Comunicazione del Beauty e del Wellness 2021-2022
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022 Modulo VI
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022 Modulo V
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022 Modulo IV
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022 Modulo III
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022 Modulo II
Master in International Marketing & Sales Communication 2021-2022
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022 Modulo I
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2021-2022
Master in Management del made in Italy. Consumi e comunicazione della moda, del design e del lusso. a.a. 2021-2022
Management e Comunicazione del Beauty e del Wellness 2021-2022
Master in Retail Brand & Customer Experience Management 2021-2022
Master in International tourism and hospitality - MITH18 a.a.2021-22
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021 Modulo I
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021 Modulo II
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021 Modulo III
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021 Modulo IV
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021 Modulo V
Data Analysis For Marketing (DAFM) 2020-2021 Modulo VI
Master in International Marketing & Sales Communication 2020-2021
Master Specialistico in Art Market Management - II edizione a.a.2020-2021
Master Art Market Management 2020/2021 - Modulo 1
Master Art Market Management 2020/2021 - Modulo 2
Master Art Market Management 2020/2021 - Modulo 3
Master Art Market Management 2020/2021 - Modulo 4
Master Art Market Management 2020/2021 - Modulo 5
Master in Retail Brand & Sales Management - 2020-2021 - VERSIONE ONLINE
Master in Management del made in Italy. Consumi e comunicazione della moda, del design e del lusso. a.a. 2020-2021
MITH Master in International Tourism and Hospitality 2020-2021
Management e Comunicazione del Beauty e del Wellness 2020-2021
Master Executive in Comunicazione delle Identità Territoriali 2020-2021
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